Cheat sheet
See Tutorial for more details of commands.
Local install via pip3
Create a Python virtual environment:
$ python3 -m venv env
Activate the virtual environment
$ source env/bin/activate
Install fedcloudclient via pip:
$ pip3 install fedcloudclient
Install IGTF certificates:
$ wget
$ bash
Using Docker container
Pull the latest version of fedcloudclient container
$ sudo docker pull tdviet/fedcloudclient
Start fedcloudclient container with oidc-agent account:
$ sudo docker run -it -v ~/.config/oidc-agent/egi:/root/.config/oidc-agent/egi --name fedcloud tdviet/fedcloudclient bash
Restart previously terminated container:
$ sudo docker start -i fedcloud
Using oidc-agent
Create an oidc-agent account (if not done):
$ oidc-gen --pub --issuer --scope "eduperson_entitlement email" egi
Load oidc-agent account and set environment for fedcloudclient:
$ eval `oidc-keychain --accounts egi` && export OIDC_AGENT_ACCOUNT=egi
Basic usages
List your VO memberships according to the access token:
$ fedcloud token list-vos
List sites in EGI Federated Cloud:
$ fedcloud site list
Execute an OpenStack command:
$ fedcloud openstack image list --site IISAS-FedCloud --vo
Execute an OpenStack command on all sites:
$ fedcloud openstack server list --site ALL_SITES --vo
Print only selected values (for scripting):
$ export OS_TOKEN=$(fedcloud openstack --site CESGA --vo token issue -c id -f value)
All-sites commands with full JSON output:
$ fedcloud openstack image list --site ALL_SITES --vo --json-output
Searching and selecting resources
Show all available projects:
$ fedcloud endpoint projects --site ALL_SITES
Show all Horizon dashboards:
$ fedcloud endpoint list --service-type org.openstack.horizon --site ALL_SITES
Search images with appliance title in AppDB:
$ fedcloud openstack image list --property "dc:title"="Image for EGI Docker [Ubuntu/18.04/VirtualBox]" --site CESNET-MCC --vo
Select flavors with 2 CPUs and RAM >= 2048 on a site/VO:
$ fedcloud select flavor --site IISAS-FedCloud --vo --vcpus 2 --flavor-specs "RAM>=2048" --output-format list
Select EGI Ubuntu 20.04 images on a site/VO:
# Simpler but longer way
$ fedcloud select image --site IFCA-LCG2 --vo --image-specs "Name =~ Ubuntu" --image-specs "Name =~ '20.04'" --image-specs "Name =~ EGI" --output-format list
# Shorter but more complex regex
$ fedcloud select image --site IFCA-LCG2 --vo --image-specs "Name =~ 'EGI.*Ubuntu.*20.04'" --output-format list
Mapping and filtering results from OpenStack commands
Select flavors with 2 CPUs:
$ fedcloud openstack flavor list --site IISAS-FedCloud --vo --json-output | \
jq -r '.[].Result[] | select(.VCPUs == 2) | .Name'
Select GPU flavors and show their GPU properties on a site:
$ fedcloud openstack flavor list --long --site IISAS-FedCloud --vo --json-output | \
jq -r '.[].Result | map(select(.Properties."Accelerator:Type" == "GPU")) | .'
Select GPU flavors and show their GPU properties on all sites:
$ fedcloud openstack flavor list --long --site ALL_SITES --vo --json-output | \
jq -r 'map(select(."Error code" == 0)) |
map(.Result = (.Result| map(select(.Properties."Accelerator:Type" == "GPU")))) |
map(select(.Result | length > 0))'
Construct JSON objects just with site names and flavor names, remove all other properties:
$ fedcloud openstack flavor list --long --site ALL_SITES --vo --json-output | \
jq -r 'map(select(."Error code" == 0)) |
map({Site:.Site, Flavors:[.Result[].Name]})'
Useful commands
Check expiration time of access token (not work for oidc-agent-account):
$ fedcloud token check
Set OpenStack environment variables:
$ eval $(fedcloud site env --site IISAS-FedCloud --vo
List all my own VMs:
$ --vo
Activate shell completion
# Quick and dirty way (may be resulted in unresponsive shell)
$ eval "$(_FEDCLOUD_COMPLETE=bash_source fedcloud)"
# More systematic way
$ wget
$ source
More information
Get help:
$ fedcloud --help
$ fedcloud site --help
Tutorial Tutorial