fedcloudclient has four groups of commands: "fedcloud token" for interactions with EGI Check-in and access tokens, "fedcloud endpoint" for interactions with GOCDB (and site endpoints according to GOCDB), "fedcloud site" for manipulations with site configurations, and "fedcloud openstack" or "fedcloud openstack-int" for performing OpenStack commands on sites.
Many fedcloud commands need access tokens for authentication. Users can choose whether to provide access tokens directly (via option "--oidc-access-token"), or via oidc-agent (via option "--oidc-agent-account"), use refresh tokens (must be provided together with Check-in client ID and secret) to generate access tokens on the fly. Therefore, in most cases, the option "--oidc-access-token" can be replaced by the option "--oidc-agent-account", or the combination of "--oidc-refresh-token", "--oidc-client-id" and "--oidc-client-secret".
Users of EGI Check-in can get all information needed for obtaining refresh and access tokens from EGI Check-in Token Portal. For providing access token via oidc-agent, follow the instructions from oidc-agent for registering a client, then give the client name (account name in oidc-agent) to fedcloudclient via option "--oidc-agent-account".
Refresh tokens have long lifetime (one year in EGI Check-in), so they must be properly protected. Exposing refresh tokens via environment variables or command-line options is considered as insecure and will be disable in near future in favor of using oidc-agent. If multiple methods of getting access tokens are given at the same time, the client will try to get the tokens from the oidc-agent first, then from refresh tokens.
The default OIDC identity provider is EGI Check-in ( Users can set other OIDC identity provider via option "--oidc-url". Remember to set identity provider's name "--openstack-auth-provider" accordingly for OpenStack commands.
The default protocol is "openid". Users can change default protocol via option "--openstack-auth-protocol". However, sites may have protocol fixedly defined in site configuration, e.g. "oidc" for INFN-CLOUD-BARI.
Environment variables
Most of fedcloud options, including options for tokens can be set via environment variables:
Environment variables |
Command-line options |
Default value |
--oidc-agent-account |
--oidc-access-token |
--oidc-refresh-token |
--oidc-client-id |
--oidc-client-secret |
--oidc-url |
--openstack-auth-protocol |
openid |
--openstack-auth-provider | |
--openstack-auth-type |
v3oidcaccesstoken |
--site |
--vo |
For convenience, always set the frequently used options like tokens via environment variables, that can save a lot of time.
Shell completion
Shell completion for fedcloud command in bash can be activated by executing the following command:
$ eval "$(_FEDCLOUD_COMPLETE=bash_source fedcloud)"
The command above may affect responsiveness of the shell. For long work, it is recommended to copy the script to a local file, and source it from ~/.bashrc. Refer Click documentation for a long explanation.
After enabling shell completion, press <TAB> twice for shell completion:
$ fedcloud site <TAB><TAB>
env list save-config show show-project-id
fedcloud --help command
"fedcloud --help" command will print help message. When using it in combination with other commands, e.g. "fedcloud token --help", "fedcloud token check --hep", it will print list of options for the corresponding commands
$ fedcloud --help
Usage: fedcloud [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--help Show this message and exit.
endpoint Endpoint command group for interaction with GOCDB and endpoints
openstack Executing OpenStack commands on site and VO
openstack-int Interactive OpenStack client on site and VO
site Site command group for manipulation with site configurations
token Token command group for manipulation with tokens
fedcloud token commands
"fedcloud token check --oidc-access-token <ACCESS_TOKEN>": Check the expiration time of access token, so users can know whether they need to refresh it. As mentioned before, access token may be given via environment variable OIDC_ACCESS_TOKEN, so the option --oidc-access-token is not shown in all examples bellows, even if the option is required.
$ fedcloud token check
Access token is valid to 2021-01-02 01:25:39 UTC
Access token expires in 3571 seconds
"fedcloud token list-vos --oidc-access-token <ACCESS_TOKEN>" : Print the list of VO memberships according to EGI Check-in
$ fedcloud token list-vos
fedcloud endpoint commands
"fedcloud endpoint" commands are complementary part of the "fedcloud site" commands. Instead of using site configurations defined in files saved in GitHub repository or local disk, the commands try to get site information directly from GOCDB (Grid Operations Configuration Management Database) or make probe test on sites
"fedcloud endpoint list" : List of endpoints of sites defined in GOCDB.
$ fedcloud endpoint list
Site type URL
------------------ ------------------ ------------------------------------------------
IFCA-LCG2 org.openstack.nova
IN2P3-IRES org.openstack.nova
"fedcloud endpoint projects --site <SITE> --oidc-access-token <ACCESS_TOKEN>" : List of projects to which the owner of the access token has access at the given site
$ fedcloud endpoint projects --site IFCA-LCG2
id Name enabled site
-------------------------------- -------------------------- --------- ---------
2a7e2cd4b6dc4e609dd934964c1715c6 True IFCA-LCG2
3b9754ad8c6046b4aec43ec21abe7d8c True IFCA-LCG2
If the site is set to ALL_SITES, or the argument -a is used, the command will show accessible projects from all sites of the EGI Federated Cloud.
- "fedcloud endpoint vos --site <SITE> --oidc-access-token <ACCESS_TOKEN>"List of Virtual Organisations (VOs)
to which the owner of the access token has access at the given site
$ fedcloud endpoint vos --site IFCA-LCG2
VO id Project name enabled site
---------------- -------------------------------- ------------------- --------- --------- 233f045cb1ff46842a15ebb33af69460 True IFCA-LCG2 d340308880134d04294097524eace710 True IFCA-LCG2
If the site is set to ALL_SITES, or the argument -a is used, the command will show accessible VOs from all sites of the EGI Federated Cloud.
$ fedcloud endpoint vos -a
VO id Project name enabled site
------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------- --------- ----------------- 233f045cb1ff46842a15ebb33af69460 True IFCA-LCG2 d340308880134d04294097524eace710 True IFCA-LCG2 7101022b9ae74ed9ac1a574497279499 EGI_access True IN2P3-IRES 5bbdb5c1e0b2bcbac29904f4ac22dcaa vo_access_egi_eu True UNIV-LILLE 4cab325ca8c2495bf2d4e8f230bcd51a True INFN-PADOVA-STACK
"fedcloud endpoint token --site <SITE> --project-id <PROJECT> --oidc-access-token <ACCESS_TOKEN>" : Get OpenStack keystone scoped token on the site for the project ID.
$ fedcloud endpoint token --site IFCA-LCG2 --project-id 3b9754ad8c6046b4aec43ec21abe7d8c
export OS_TOKEN="gAAAAA..."
"fedcloud endpoint env --site <SITE> --project-id <PROJECT> --oidc-access-token <ACCESS_TOKEN>" : Print environment variables for working with the project ID on the site.
$ fedcloud endpoint env --site IFCA-LCG2 --project-id 3b9754ad8c6046b4aec43ec21abe7d8c
# environment for IFCA-LCG2
export OS_AUTH_URL=""
export OS_AUTH_TYPE="v3oidcaccesstoken"
export OS_PROTOCOL="openid"
export OS_ACCESS_TOKEN="..."
fedcloud ec3 commands
"fedcloud ec3" commands are helper commands for deploying EC3 (Elastic Cloud Compute Cluster) in Cloud via Infrastructure Manager. The commands will create necessary template and authorization files for EC3 client.
"fedcloud ec3 init --site <SITE> --vo <VO> --oidc-access-token <ACCESS_TOKEN> --auth-file auth.dat --template-dir ./templates" : Generate authorization file (by default auth.dat) and template file (by default ./templates/refresh.radl) for EC3 client.
$ fedcloud ec3 init --site CESGA --vo
"fedcloud ec3 refresh --site <SITE> --vo <VO> --oidc-access-token <ACCESS_TOKEN> --auth-file auth.dat" : Refresh the access token stored in authorization file (by default auth.dat).
$ fedcloud ec3 init --site CESGA --vo
fedcloud site commands
"fedcloud site" commands will read site configurations and manipulate with them. If the local site configurations exist at ~/.config/fedcloud/site-config/, fedcloud will read them from there, otherwise the commands will read from GitHub repository.
By default, fedcloud does not save anything on local disk, users have to save the site configuration to local disk explicitly via "fedcloud site save-config" command. The advantage of having local site configurations, beside faster loading, is to give users ability to make customizations, e.g. add additional VOs, remove sites they do not have access, and so on.
"fedcloud site save-config" : Read the default site configurations from GitHub and save them to ~/.config/fedcloud/site-config/ local directory. The command will overwrite existing site configurations in the local directory.
$ fedcloud site save-config
Saving site configs to directory /home/viet/.config/fedcloud/site-config/
After saving site configurations, users can edit and customize them, e.g. remove inaccessible sites, add new VOs and so on.
"fedcloud site list" : List of existing sites in the site configurations
$ fedcloud site list
"fedcloud site show --site <SITE>" : Show configuration of the corresponding site.
$ fedcloud site show --site IISAS-FedCloud
gocdb: IISAS-FedCloud
- auth:
project_id: a22bbffb007745b2934bf308b0a4d186
- auth:
project_id: 51f736d36ce34b9ebdf196cfcabd24ee
"fedcloud site show-project-id --site <SITE> --vo <VO>": show the project ID of the VO on the site.
$ fedcloud site show-project-id --site IISAS-FedCloud --vo
export OS_AUTH_URL=""
export OS_PROJECT_ID="51f736d36ce34b9ebdf196cfcabd24ee"
"fedcloud site env --site <SITE> --vo <VO>": set OpenStack environment variable for the VO on the site.
$ fedcloud site env --site IISAS-FedCloud --vo
export OS_AUTH_URL=""
export OS_AUTH_TYPE="v3oidcaccesstoken"
export OS_PROTOCOL="openid"
export OS_PROJECT_ID="51f736d36ce34b9ebdf196cfcabd24ee"
# Remember to set OS_ACCESS_TOKEN, e.g. :
# export OS_ACCESS_TOKEN=`oidc-token egi`
The main differences between "fedcloud endpoint env" and "fedcloud site env" commands are that the second command needs VO name as input parameter instead of project ID. The command may set also environment variable OS_ACCESS_TOKEN, if access token is provided, otherwise it will print notification.
fedcloud select commands
"fedcloud select flavor --site <SITE> --vo <VO> --oidc-access-token <ACCESS_TOKEN> --flavor-specs <flavor-specs>" : Select flavor according to the specification in flavor-specs. The specifications may be repeated, e.g. --flavor-specs "VCPUs==2" --flavor-specs "RAM>=2048", or may be joined, e.g. --flavor-specs "VCPUs==2 & Disk>10". For frequently used specs, short-option alternatives are available, e.g. --vcpus 2 is equivalent to --flavor-specs "VCPUs==2". The output is sorted, flavors using less resources (in the order: GPUs, CPUs, RAM, Disk) are placed on the first places. Users can choose to print only the best-matched flavor with --output-format first (suitable for scripting) or the full list of all matched flavors in list/YAML/JSON format.
$ fedcloud select flavor --site IISAS-FedCloud --vo --flavor-specs "RAM>=2096" --flavor-specs "Disk > 10" --output-format list
"fedcloud select image --site <SITE> --vo <VO> --oidc-access-token <ACCESS_TOKEN> --image-specs <image-specs>" : Select image according to the specification in image-specs. The specifications may be repeated, e.g. --image-specs "Name=~Ubuntu" --image-specs "Name=~'20.04'". The output is sorted, newest images are placed on the first places. Users can choose to print only the best-matched image with --output-format first (suitable for scripting) or the full list of all matched images in list/YAML/JSON format.
$ fedcloud select image --site INFN-CATANIA-STACK --vo --image-specs "Name =~ Ubuntu" --output-format list
TRAINING.EGI.EU Image for EGI Docker [Ubuntu/18.04/VirtualBox]
TRAINING.EGI.EU Image for EGI Ubuntu 20.04 [Ubuntu/20.04/VirtualBox]
"fedcloud select network --site <SITE> --vo <VO> --oidc-access-token <ACCESS_TOKEN> --network-specs <flavor-specs>" : Select network according to the specification in network-specs. User can choose to select only public or private network, or both (default). The output is sorted in the order: public, shared, private. Users can choose to print only the best-matched network with --output-format first (suitable for scripting) or the full list of all matched networks in list/YAML/JSON format.
$ fedcloud select network --site IISAS-FedCloud --vo --network-specs default --output-format list
fedcloud openstack commands
"fedcloud openstack --site <SITE> --vo <VO> --oidc-access-token <ACCESS_TOKEN> <OPENSTACK_COMMAND>" : Execute an OpenStack command on the site and VO. Examples of OpenStack commands are "image list", "server list" and can be used with additional options for the commands, e.g. "image list --long", "server list --format json". The list of all OpenStack commands, and their parameters/usages are available here.
$ fedcloud openstack image list --site IISAS-FedCloud --vo
Site: IISAS-FedCloud, VO:
| ID | Name | Status |
| 862d4ede-6a11-4227-8388-c94141a5dace | Image for EGI CentOS 7 [CentOS/7/VirtualBox] | active |
If the site is ALL_SITES, the OpenStack command will be executed on all sites in EGI Federated Cloud.
"fedcloud openstack-int --site <SITE> --vo <VO> --oidc-access-token <ACCESS_TOKEN>" : Call OpenStack client without command, so users can work with OpenStack site in interactive mode. This is useful when users need to perform multiple commands successively. For example, users may need get list of images, list of flavors, list of networks before creating a VM. OIDC authentication is done only once at the beginning, then the keystone token is cached and will be used for successive commands without authentication via CheckIn again.
$ fedcloud openstack-int --site IISAS-FedCloud --vo
(openstack) image list
| ID | Name | Status |
| 862d4ede-6a11-4227-8388-c94141a5dace | Image for EGI CentOS 7 [CentOS/7/VirtualBox] | active |
(openstack) flavor list
| ID | Name | RAM | Disk | Ephemeral | VCPUs | Is Public |
| 5bd8397c-b97f-462d-9d2b-5b533844996c | m1.small | 2048 | 10 | 0 | 1 | True |
| df25f80f-ed19-4e0b-805e-d34620ba0334 | m1.medium | 4096 | 40 | 0 | 2 | True |